Our Services A - Z - Cancer Services
About the service
Our clinical teams are working hard to keeping in contact with patients to ensure that they receive the appropriate support and treatment.
If you are a patient with cancer, you can contact your Clinical Nurse Specialist if you have concerns or questions about your care. This number will have been provided to you when you received your diagnosis.
Please see below for individual cancer services:
- Acute Oncology
- Breast Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Gynaecology Cancer
- Head and Neck Cancers
- Hematological Cancers
- Lung Cancer
- Skin Cancer
- Urology (prostate, kidney and bladder)
- Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer (oesophageal, stomach, liver and gallbladder)
Our Macmillan Information Centre at St. Helens Hospital is open and we are still operating the information and support phone line. It is a very busy time for the centre and you may be asked to leave a message for someone to return your call when available. Please call 01744 646985.
Could it be cancer?
Are you worried about cancer? If you are experiencing symptoms it is only natural for you to be concerned.
We are always here to help.
Don’t ignore your symptoms, call our Cancer Symptoms Advice Line, on 01744 646 222, and speak to a specialist nurse confidentially.
We can arrange the tests or specialist appointment you need quickly.
Useful Links
- About our Service
Cancer services at the Trust are delivered through Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs) bringing together Consultants, Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) and a range of other specialist Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) who look after patients who have or are suspected to have cancer. The MDTs are crucial to reaching the correct treatment.
The Trust has a dedicated cancer unit, working in partnership with other nearby centres to provide a wide range of services for the local population. We receive approximately 17,000 urgent cancer referrals every year. Cancer services are embedded throughout the whole of the organisation as patients are referred to different departments for investigation, diagnosis and treatment.
We care for approximately 3300 new cancer patients every year, ranging from newly diagnosed patients through to patients requiring palliative care and we provide a range of diagnostic services, including Radiology investigations (scans and X rays), Endoscopy (camera tests for bowel and upper GI cancers) and Pathology (blood tests and review of tissues to confirm or exclude cancers).
We provide surgery for some cancers (breast, colorectal, some gynaecology, skin and kidney).
Chemotherapy and supportive care treatments are provided by our:
Satchi Suite
Radiotherapy is not provided on site as this mode of treatment requires highly specialist facilities. Our patients can see an Oncologist at the Trust and then access radiotherapy through them at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre (either Wirral or Aintree site).
Cancer Research and Clinical Trials
We have a range of clinical trials that are ongoing in the hospitals and we know these are an important option for patients. If there is a trial available for your individual situation, you may be approached by your clinical team to see if you would like to take part. The trials team fully appreciate that when patients are referred for tests for cancer that they are anxious and we try to ensure they have all the relevant information they need. We are happy to be contacted for advice.
- Contact Details
Burney Breast Unit - 01744 646 036 / 7
Lilac Centre - 01744 646 166
Cancer Research Team – 01744 646 581
Macmillan Cancer Support - 01744 646 985 / 7000
- Relevant websites
- Patient Leaflets
Title - H.O.P.E. (How to Overcome Problems Effectively) Course
Description - The HOPE Course is a free course, available to all patients who have completed cancer treatment. The course is a self-management course designed to help you cope emotionally, psychologically and physically after completing cancer treatment. It provides the opportunity to meet other people who have also recently completed treatment and together find new ways to move on with a new meaningful life.Title - My Medical Record (MMR)
Description - Have your opportunity to enhance your quality of care. Are you under the care of the St Helens Skin Cancer Team? In addition to regular face to face follow up appointments, you may also be eligible for access to an online patient portal called My Medical Record (MMR).Title - Suspected Brain Tumours
Description - Following a scan an abnormality in your brain has been found, which may be a malignant brain tumour(s) (cancer). This leaflet is to help you understand: Primary and secondary brain tumours (cancer), What will happen next? Steroid medication and how this will help? What is a seizure and medication to help? Where to find support.Title - The Cutting Room, Hairdressing and Wig Salon Service
Description - This booklet explains the services provided by our two professional hairdressers/wig technicians at The Cutting Room. The Cutting Room is a private, fully equipped salon, which is based at the Lilac Centre at St Helens Hospital.
Page last updated on 10th September 2024