Maternity Delivery Suite
Our delivery suite consists of 10 fully equipped birthing rooms. Delivery suite provides care to women whose pregnancy/birth is considered to be high risk and women who have experienced certain pregnancy complications. Delivery suite also provides care to women who choose an epidural in labour or to women who have expressed a preference to birth in this location. During your antenatal appointments our midwives will discuss the different places of birth available to you and provide you with the information necessary for you to establish which location would be most suitable for your labour and birth.
The delivery suite offers a ‘high risk pool room.’ This pool can be utilised by women who wish to labour and/or give birth in a pool but require additional monitoring due to pregnancy complications. The delivery suite also has birthing balls, mats, beanbags and birth couches available to enable women to remain as active and mobile as possible during the birthing process.
Women who give birth on the delivery suite may be recommended to have continuous monitoring of their babies heart beat during labour. This is often referred to as a CTG monitoring. At Whiston we are able to now offer wireless telemetry monitoring of the babies heart beat during labour, and this can help women to remain mobile and active whilst being monitored.
Additional Information
- About
The delivery suite team consists of a dedicated group of midwives, obstetrician’s, paediatricians, anaesthetists, health care assistants, a house keeper and admin staff. As we are a teaching hospital we also have student midwives, student doctors and student paramedics who attend.
The midwives will provide care to you during your labour alongside our expert team of obstetricians. Anaesthetists provide care to women who are unwell. They also offer an epidural service, and also provide anaesthesia should you require to attend theatre for any reason. Paediatricians are there to provide any care required to your baby if needed following birth.
- About the Team
Ward Manager - Natalie Nelson
Lead Obstetric Consultant - Tabassum Safdar
Intrapartum Matron - Jan Bentley
- Location
Delivery suite is located on level 2, purple floor, Whiston Hospital.
Delivery suite does not have any general visiting hours, although a birth partner may accompany you in the delivery suite.
- Additional Information
If all is well following the birth of your baby, you may choose to be discharged home from delivery suite with your baby. Discharge from delivery suite would normally occur once all necessary checks are completed after 6 hours of birth.
If there are any issues that require closer observation of you or your baby, you may be admitted to ward 2E following the birth.