Antenatal Education
If you are a parent -to-be, come and meet our experienced midwives, connect with other parents, and help yourself to get informed and fully prepared for the exciting journey ahead for you and your family.
These sessions are open to all women and birthing people and you are welcome to attend all of the sessions, or just the ones that are relevant to you. Second time parents and beyond are welcome, as are support partners. We suggest bringing someone with you who will likely be with you in labour and after baby is born, so that they can have the knowledge to fully support and help you during labour and in those early days.
The sessions are informal and interactive, please feel free to bring a drink and a snack and get ready for some pregnancy, labour and early parenthood advice from our Maternity Team.
For details about each session, please see the information further down the page.
Please note, those who would like to attend are welcome to book a mixture of Whiston Hospital and Lowe House Health Centre classes.
Whiston Hospital
Parent Education Room,
Purple Level 2,
Whiston Hospital,
L35 5DR
- 25th March 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Life with a new baby FULLY BOOKED
- 1st April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Wellbeing in pregnancy FULLY BOOKED
- 8th April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Induction of labour FULLY BOOKED
- 15th April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Pain relief in labour FULLY BOOKED
- 22nd April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Homebirth Info meeting Click here to book
- 29th April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Mode of Birth Choices FULLY BOOKED
- 6th May 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Life with a new baby FULLY BOOKED
- 13th May 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Wellbeing in pregnancy Click here to book
- 20th May 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Induction of labour FULLY BOOKED
- 27th May 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Pain relief in labour Click here to book
- 3rd June 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Homebirth Info meeting Click here to book
- 10th June 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Mode of Birth Choices FULLY BOOKED
- 17th June 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Life with a new baby FULLY BOOKED
This is a rolling programme of classes so new dates will continue to be added.
Lowe House Health Centre
103 Crab Street,
St Helens,
WA10 2DJ
April/ May
- 9th April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Wellbeing in pregnancy Click here to book
- 16th April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Induction of labour Click here to book
- 23rd April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Pain relief in labour Click here to book
- 30th April 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Mode of Birth Choices Click here to book
- 7th May 5.00pm to 6.30pm - Life with a new baby FULLY BOOKED
- Wellbeing in pregnancy
This session focusses on how you can stay well during your pregnancy and optimise the health of you and your baby, whilst preparing for labour, birth and the postnatal period. Topics covered in this informal Q&A session include information on physical and emotional wellbeing and top tips for getting your body and mind ready for the changes that occur during pregnancy and in early parenthood. This session focusses on how you can stay well during your pregnancy and optimise the health of you and your baby, whilst preparing for labour, birth and the postnatal period. Topics covered in this informal Q&A session include information on physical and emotional wellbeing and top tips for getting your body and mind ready for the changes that occur during pregnancy and in early parenthood.
- Induction of labour
This session helps you to understand why you may be offered induction of labour and the choices you have surrounding this, as well as an overview of what happens during the different induction of labour methods. We discuss information surrounding outpatient induction of labour, induction of labour on the antenatal ward and induction of labour when you have previously had a caesarean. This session is led by experienced midwives who will be able to answer any questions you may have to support your decision-making and help you to prepare for the process if you have been offered induction.
- Pain relief in labour
Taking a holistic approach to your options for pain relief and comfort measures during labour, this session helps to inform you and your support partner(s) about the pain relief options available to you during the early and later stages of labour and helps you to understand what is happening in your body when you are in labour. Information on relaxation, massage and hydrotherapy will be covered, as well as the pharmacological options such as gas & air, opiate injection, PCA and epidural, which will help you to optimise your birth planning appointment with your community midwife at 36 weeks.
- Homebirth info meeting
Not sure if homebirth is an option for you, but want to know more? Come and join our established homebirth information meeting which takes place every month and meet other parents who have chosen to, or are thinking about choosing to birth their baby at home. This evening is an informal and friendly session, and is an opportunity for you to consider another option for place of birth.
- Mode of Birth Choices
There is more than one way to have a baby, and this session covers all the different modes of birth that you may have heard of, but still have some questions about. Our experienced midwives will discuss vaginal birth and instrumental vaginal birth, as well as what happens during urgent and elective caesarean sections.
- Life with a new baby
For both first-time parents and anyone who has had a baby before its useful to be armed with the knowledge about how to care for yourself and your new baby in the early days so that you can optimise the health of you and your baby. This session will cover essential self-care and what to expect physically and emotionally as a new parent, as well as the basics of how to care for a new baby, including changing a nappy, bathing your baby and safe sleep. This session complements our infant feeding team’s Infant Feeding workshops (click here for more information).