Ward 2E - Antenatal and Postnatal Care
Ward 2E consists of 37 beds, 20 postnatal beds and 17 antenatal beds. Antenatal care is given to women who are considered to have high risk pregnancies and women who need to have an induction of labour. Postnatal care is given to women and babies who are not able to have an early discharge and require a longer stay in hospital.
Additional Information
- About the Team
Ward Manager - Zoe Jones
Matron - Sharon Bell
- About
The Ward 2E team consists of a dedicated group of midwives, obstetrician’s, paediatricians, anaesthetists; midwifery supports workers, health care assistants, a house keeper and admin staff. As we are a teaching hospital we also have student midwives, student doctors and student paramedics who attend.
The midwives along with the support staff will care for you whilst you are on the ward and will ensure your stay is as comfortable as possible. Women will be reviewed by obstetricians as required and our paediatricians will be on hand to perform any checks babies need during their time with us.
All babies are required to have a new-born check within 72 hours of being born; this is performed by a team of paediatricians and midwives who will ensure this is performed prior to discharge home.
- Visiting
To access visiting times across our hospitals, please click here for more information.
Please note, visiting can be restricted or suspended with immediate effect if there are any safety concerns due to a spread of infection on our wards or in our communities.
To confirm that the ward you are planning to visit is currently open, please call our main number tel: 0151 426 1600
- Location
Ward 2E is located on level 2, purple floor, Whiston Hospital.
At present one partner can visit from 9am-9pm. (no overnight stays)
- Contact Details
Postnatal phone numbers: 0151 430 2325
Antenatal phone numbers: 0151 430 2325