Friends and Family Test
The Friends and Family Test (FFT) has been used across the Trust since 2013. We currently ask patients across our inpatient, outpatient, emergency, paediatric and maternity services to complete a survey. It is an easy-to-understand question that is asked of patients about the care and treatment they receive.
The Trust has a number of ways for patients to complete the Friends and Family Test, including text message, postcards (from the wards and departments) and via the below web links and QR codes.
If you have received treatment at our hospitals and would like to complete the Friends and Family Test, please click on a link below for the relevant department.
For more information please watch this video from NHS England
Please click here for Inpatients (under 16 years) or use this QR code
Please click here for Inpatients (over 16 years) or use this QR code
Please click here for Outpatients (under 16 years) or use this QR code
Please click here for Outpatients (over 16 years) or use this QR code
Antenatal Care – Please click here or use this QR code
Birth/Delivery Care – Please click here or use this QR code
Postnatal Ward Care – Please click here or use this QR code
Postnatal Community Care – Please click here or use this QR code

"Overall, how was your experience of our service?"
Response scale:
"Please tell us why you gave your answer. Also, please tell us if there is anything we could have done better?"
Who will be asked these questions?
- All adult acute inpatients (who have stayed at least one night in hospital)
- All adult patients who have attended A&E and left without being admitted (i.e. discharged to their home and not to another Trust).
- All patients who use the maternity and outpatients services
- Palliative care patients are not exempt but it may be inappropriate to survey some patients receiving palliative care.
- Patients who have experienced a miscarriage
Opting out
To opt out of receiving a request for FFT feedback via text message or voice message; please contact:
Francine Daly, Patient Experience Manager –
Tel: 0151 290 4147 or email:
Link to guidance: