Patient Experience & Inclusion Strategy
At Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, we know that patient experience is more than just meeting our patient's physical needs, but also about treating each patient as an individual with dignity, compassion and respect. Effective engagement enhances services and care, improves health outcomes, strengthens public accountability and supports the Trust’s reputation.
We do not want to just meet expectations, we want to exceed them. This means we are committed to working in partnership with our staff, patients and stakeholders to improve the quality of care that we provide and we commit to actively seek, listen and act on feedback received from our patients, staff, and other key stakeholder groups and involve them in the design and delivery of our services.
The purpose of the Patient Experience & Inclusion Strategy 2022-2025 is to set out the Trusts commitment to improving patient experience by meaningfully engaging with our patients, key stakeholders and local communities to remove any barriers to access; by building on our current engagement activities and ensuring people from all our local communities are included and able to help shape our services and build upon the successes of the Patient Experience Strategy 2019-2022.
The strategy consists of 3 commitments and behind each commitment sits objectives and evidence. The internal implementation plan holds the actions that sit behind the objectives and evidence and describes how the Trust will monitor itself against each commitment. The internal implementation plan is reviewed/monitored at the Trust Patient Experience Council. For any questions, please contact the Patient Experience team on