Fetal Medicine (Maternity)
The Fetal Medicine clinic receives referrals for families that may require specialist input for their pregnancies. Examples include unborn babies who have an unexpected development on the ultrasound scan or a family that has a pre-existing genetic condition that could affect their baby’s health.
Once the referral has been received, this will be triaged by the fetal medicine team and if required, a follow up appointment will be arranged to be reviewed in the clinic. This care will run alongside the routine pregnancy care plan and careful communication will take place with the wider team. This may include, the ultrasound department, clinical genetics, paediatrics, amongst others, and together a plan will be developed to support the parents on their ongoing journey.
Additional Information
- About the Team
Consultant Fetal Medicine specialists: Mrs Susmita Pankaja, Dr Trent Corr and Dr Yasmin Sadik
Associate specialist: Dr. Anita Thomas
Specialist Midwife for Fetal Medicine: Jen Davis
Matron: Sharon Bell
- Location
Feto-Maternal Assessment unit (FMAU)
Women’s Outpatients Department
Level 2
Whiston Hospital
- Contact Details
Telephone: 0151 430 2325 (via FMAU)
Specialist Midwife for Fetal Medicine: 07795 166 377 (Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm) but instructions for further contact details on voicemail.