Multiple Pregnancy
At Whiston we run a specialist multiple pregnancy clinic on Wednesday afternoons, for women who are expecting twins or triplets.
Our specialist team see women throughout their pregnancy and provide specific information relevant to multiple pregnancy, to ensure our patient’s get the best care and feel well supported throughout their pregnancy.
Finding out you are having twins, triplets or even quadruplets can be exciting, but it may also bring worries and concerns for you, your partner and family members. If you are expecting more than one baby, it is important that you are well prepared for the changes that will take place both during your pregnancy and after the babies’ birth.
This information is for you if you know you are carrying more than one baby. It tells you about:
• the different types of multiple pregnancy
• what it means for you and your babies
• the care you will receive while you are pregnant
• the options for birth so that you can make an informed choice.
This leaflet provides an overview of multiple pregnancy. It focuses mainly on twins but it is relevant to any pregnancy where more than one baby is expected. Further information and support is available from your midwife and obstetrician and from the multiple-pregnancy organisations listed at the end of the leaflet.
Additional Information
- Our Team
Consultant Obstetrician - Mr Trent Corr
Fetal Medicine Consultant - Mrs Susmita Pankaja
- Useful Links