Healthwatch are the independent champion for people who use health and social care services.
They are here to make sure that those running services, and the government, put your views at the heart of care.
Your Local Groups
Our local Healthwatch groups are located here:
- Healthwatch St Helens
2nd Floor Beacon Building
College Street
St Helens
WA10 1TF
Tel: 0300 1110 007
Email: info@healthwatchsthelens.co.uk - Healthwatch Halton
Suite 5, Foundry House
Widnes Business Park, Waterside Lane
Tel: 0300 777 6543
Email: enquiries@healthwatchhalton.co.uk - Healthwatch Knowsley
The Old School House
St. Johns Road, Huyton
L36 0UX
Tel: 0151 4493 954
Email: enquiries@healthwatchknowsley.co.uk
Independent Complaints Advocacy
Although most people using the health service are happy with their care and treatment, things can sometimes go wrong. If you're not satisfied with the service you've experienced from a hospital, doctor, dentist, local surgery or other NHS provider, you are entitled to complain about it.
We can help you make this complaint, by providing a free, confidential and independent service designed to help you understand your rights and make informed choices.
We can help you to:
- explore the options available at every stage of the complaints procedure
- provide confidential support from someone who is independent of the NHS
- write effective letters to the right people
- prepare for meetings and maybe even go with you
- contact and speak to third parties if required
If you would like independent help and support to make a complaint, you can contact:
- Knowsley
Advocacy Together Hub Knowsley
Prescot House
3 High Street
Merseyside L34 3LD
Tel: 0151 426 3174
Mobile: 07484 935 748
e-mail: Knowsley-advocacy@together-uk.org - Liverpool
Healthwatch Advocate
Healthwatch Liverpool
4 th Floor, LCVS Building
151 Dale Street
Liverpool L2 2AH
Tel: 0300 77 77 007
email: enquiries@healthwatchliverpool.co.uk - St Helens
Healthwatch St Helens
Tel: 0300 111 0007 or email info@healthwatchsthelens.co.uk - Halton
Healthwatch Halton - Advocacy Hub
Tel: 0151 347 8183 or email advocacy@weareecs.co.uk