Contact Us

Whiston Hospital
Warrington Road
L35 5DR

St Helens Hospital
Marshalls Cross Road
St Helens

Newton Community Hospital
Bradlegh Road
WA12 8RB
For Whiston and St Helens Hospitals please dial 0151 426 1600
For Newton Community Hospital please dial 0151 290 4835
When you telephone these numbers you will speak to one of the Trust's switchboard operators who will be able to redirect your call. If you don't know the whereabouts of a patient don't worry they will help you to locate them.
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) provides impartial advice and assistance in answering questions and resolving concerns that patients, their relatives, friends and carers might have when accessing the NHS services provided by MWL.
Email us at
Additional Information
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Tel: 0151 430 1376
For information and advice about our services, please contact the hospital's Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on the telephone number above or email:
The telephone is manned between 09.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday
The office also has an answerphone which is available 24 hours a day and messages will be responded to as quickly as possible.
Alternatively, drop into the PALS office on Level 1, close to the main reception at Whiston Hospital.
The office is open from 09.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
For more information about our PALS service please click here.
- Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions
We value your feedback about the services we provide and welcome constructive comments and suggestions as well as compliments made by patients, relatives and carers.
There are a number of ways to make a comment, complaint or suggestion:
- For patients currently in hospital please contact the Ward Manager or Patient Advice and Liaison Service
- If your comment requires an urgent response please contact main switchboard Tel: 0151 426 1600 who will redirect your call as appropriate
- If you prefer to contact us via the website please click here.
Please click here to download the Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions Leaflet.
- Contact the Chief Executive
If you would like to contact Rob Cooper, Chief Executive, with a comment, suggestion or question about the Trust, our hospitals or your care please write directly by clicking here.
- Outpatient appointments
If you are unable to keep your appointment or wish to change it to a more convenient time, it is vital to tell us as soon as possible so that your original appointment can be given to another patient. To change or cancel your appointment via the website please click here.
Or call 0151 430 1234, this telephone number is manned from Monday to Friday, 09.00am to 5.00pm, except bank holidays. Out of hours calls will be recorded and answered on the next working day.
- Inpatient stays
For enquiries about a forthcoming inpatient stay, please call the Trust's admissions centre on the telephone number below. This line is manned Monday to Thursday, 8.00am to 8.00pm and Friday, 08.00am to 5.00pm.
Telephone 01744 647 497
- Other useful telephone numbers
Media Enquiries: 0151 430 2505
- Freedom of Information Requests
Freedom of Information (FoI) requests aren't handled by the Media, PR and Communications team.
If you have an FoI request, please click here.