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Welcome to the NHS E-Referral GP Information Page

Working in partnership with local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) we communicate services available together with any information about NHS E-Referral services at our hospitals. The NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) provides an easy way for patients to choose their first hospital or clinic appointment with a specialist.

Bookings can be made online, using the telephone, or directly in the GP surgery at the time of referral.

Navigating Services 

The Trust offer new outpatient appointments through NHS E-Referral for most specialties. Many specialist and general clinics are published in the NHS e-referral directory. A full list of the specialty services available on NHS e-referral can be found by accessing the hyperlink below

Click here to view NHS e-Referral

Services can be found by searching for clinic type or by using the SNOMED search facility on NHS e-Referral. All listed services have SNOMED codes associated with conditions treated and are derived from the national SNOMED codes approved through the national coding system. 


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