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Our Services A - Z - Haematology (Medical) Team

About the service

The Haematology (Medical) Team provides care for patients with a variety of both malignant and non-malignant blood and bone marrow diseases, as well as an anticoagulation service. There are outpatient clinics at both St Helens and Whiston hospitals, allowing patient choice in location of investigation and treatment.

For those with malignant disorders, we are part of a regional Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) with Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Day case chemotherapy, together with holistic and supportive care is given at the Lilac Centre at St Helen​s Hospital.

Inpatients are treated on Ward 2A, Whiston Hospital, which has been designated under NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) Improving Outcomes Guidance as a higher intensity treatment centre, allowing for the curative treatment of acute leukaemias. It is a very active unit and patients with such disorders from a catchment population of 700,000 are treated. The unit plays an active part in recruiting to national clinical trials, allowing access to state-of-the-art treatments.

The Cancer Nurse Specialists and Cancer Support Workers are here to offer-

  • Information and Advice
  • Time to discuss your problems or issues
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Help with physical problems relating to your illness and treatment side effects
  • Information and support for carers and friends
  • Emotional and psychological support
  • A point of contact when problems arise
  • A link to other health care professionals involved with your care at home and whilst in hospital.

GPs and other healthcare professionals refer patients to the our Phlebotomy Service, when they need a blood test to be taken.

Our Phlebotomy clinics now use an online booking system for patients over the age of 16. To book an appointment, for a blood test, at one of our clinics please follow this link.

If you need to book an appointment for a child under the age of 16, please telephone 0151 430 1702.

Please Note - Blood forms must be brought to the appointment.


Page last updated on 30th January 2025

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