Our Services A - Z - Therapy Services
About the service
Therapy services are based at St Helens, Whiston and Newton Hospitals. We work with individuals to enable them to maintain or regain independence following an illness or accident, and to support them to manage long term conditions.
Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists work across Whiston, St Helens and Newton hospital sites providing both in and outpatient therapy to patients with a wide range of clinical conditions in the following areas: A&E, Medicine for Older People, Stroke, Burns & Plastics, Pelvic Health, Trauma & Orthopaedics, Intermediate Care Services, Critical Care and Surgery, Acute Medicine and Rheumatology. We also provide therapy at Allen Day Unit and the Seddon Suite which is part of the Merseyside & Cheshire Trauma Network.
Speech and Language Therapists and Dietitians work across Whiston and St Helens hospital sites providing both in and outpatient therapy to patients with a wide range of clinical conditions in the following areas: A&E, Medicine for Older People, Stroke, Burns & Plastics, Trauma & Orthopaedics, Intermediate Care Services, Critical Care and Surgery, and Acute Medicine. We also provide therapy at Seddon Suite which is part of the Merseyside & Cheshire Trauma Network.
- Dietitians
Dietitians assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems. Dietitians use the most up-to-date public health and scientific research on food, health and disease which they translate into practical guidance to enable people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.
- Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists provide practical support to enable people to facilitate recovery and overcome any barriers that prevent them from doing the activities (occupations) that matter to them. This helps to increase people's independence and satisfaction in all aspects of life.
- Physiotherapy
Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. This helps to increase people's independence, activity levels and pain levels.
- Speech & Language Therapy
Speech and Language therapists provide life-changing treatment, support and care for people who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing.
All of our qualified staff are registered with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) and are supported in the delivery of care by highly trained therapy assistants.
- About the Team
Head of Therapy Services/ AHP Organisational Lead
- Viki Hunt
Therapy Directorate Manager/ Finance and Performance Lead
- Lisa Williams
Therapy Directorate Manager/ Quality and Governance Lead
- Karin Howorth
Operational Manager and Professional Lead for Physiotherapy
- Emily Cook
Operational Manager and Professional Lead for Occupational Therapy
- Sen Kuppuswamy
Operational Manager and Professional Lead for Speech and Language Therapy
- Lucy Talbot
Operational Manager and Professional Lead for Dietetics
- Claire Wesselingh
- Location
We are based at Whiston and St Helens Hospitals.
- Contact Details
For further information or referral advice at all sites, please contact Whiston Therapy Suite:
- Tel: 0151 290 4133
- Email: AdminSecondaryCare@sthk.nhs.uk
- Relevant Leaflets/Documents/Links
- Patient Information Leaflets
Title - A Guide for Managing Tasks Using One Hand
Description - Following an injury to your hand or upper limb, completing daily tasks and activities can become challenging. You may have been advised to avoid using your injured hand for function or you may have limited use of your injured hand due to issues such as swelling or pain.Title - Abdominal Muscles during pregnancy and beyond
Description - separation of abdominal musclesTitle - Advice and Exercises Following a Caesarean Delivery
Description - A caesarean section is an operation that delivers your baby through your abdomen (tummy). It is a major operation which will take several weeks to recover from. It generally takes longer to recover from a caesarean section than a vaginal birth. It is important that you take time to rest but also know how to help your body recover. In the early days following your caesarean you may experience discomfort/pain getting in/out bed, walking or carrying out any activity that causes strain on your tummy or when you open your bladder or bowels.Title - Advice from the Burns and Plastics Therapy Team on caring for healed burns and skin grafts
Description - It is very important to ensure that you monitor your skin condition carefully. Healed skin can break down. This can be for a number of reasons, advice within this leaflet aims to advise you how to avoid skin breakdown and what to do if it occurs.Title - Ankle Fracture Full Weight Bearing - 4 weeks
Description - This is a follow-up leaflet to your recent telephone consultation with the fracture care team explaining the ongoing management of your injury. Your case has been reviewed by an Orthopaedic Consultant (Bone Specialist) and a Physiotherapist.Title - Ankle Fracture full weight bearing - 6 weeks
Description - This is a follow-up leaflet to your recent telephone consultation with the fracture care team explaining the ongoing management of your injury. Your case has been reviewed by an Orthopaedic Consultant (Bone Specialist) and a Physiotherapist.Title - Ankle Fracture Partial Weight Bearing for 4 Weeks
Description - This is a follow up leaflet to your recent telephone consultation with the fracture care team explaining the ongoing management of your injury. Your case has been reviewed by an Orthopaedic Consultant (Bone Specialist) and a Physiotherapist.Title - Bariatric Surgery Physiotherapy
Description - ERAS programme aims to help you recover quickly and safely and is designed by the specialist team, to ensure your surgical admission goes as smoothly as possible. The goal is to get you home safely after your operation and to kick start a healthier lifestyle going forwards. It is important for you to understand all aspects of your recovery, as you play the most important part. It allows us to manage your expectations and reduce anxieties of what is to come.Title - Bariatric surgery rehabilitation prescription
Description - To gain the best results following your surgery, you must start adding exercise into your daily routine as quickly as possible. We would advise completing the following exercises to help build your strength, improve your exercise tolerance and help reduce the risk of post-operative complications (e.g. chest infections, and deep vein thrombosis). We understand that everyone has a different baseline exercise tolerance and ability. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the physiotherapy team to discuss your exercise programme.Title - CAM regime Controlled Active Motion Flexor Tendon Injury Stage 1a
Description - You have injured the tendons which bend your finger(s) into a fist. These have been repaired but you must take care with them. Please follow the instructions in this leaflet carefully and ask your therapist if you are unsure about anything.Title - Carpal Bone (Hand) Fracture Futura Splint 6 Weeks
Description - This is a follow up leaflet to your recent telephone consultation with the fracture care team explaining the ongoing management of your injury. Your case has been reviewed by an Orthopaedic Consultant (Bone Specialist) and a Physiotherapist.Title - Chair based exercises
Description - Complete all exercises whilst sitting in a safe and stable chair.Title - Clavicle Fracture (Adults)
Description - This normally takes between six to twelve weeks to heal. During this period, it is important that you follow the rehabilitation plan on the following page. Following your rehabilitation plan will help to prevent further injury and help to improve your function.Title - Corticosteroid Injection for MSK conditions
Description - A steroid injection can be given to help reduce pain and swelling in a joint or the surrounding soft tissue. Therefore reducing pain. There may be some pain following the injection, but this usually wears off within a couple of hours. Occasionally there can be an increase in pain for 24-48 hours after the injection. This should then settle in a couple of days. Most people experience reduction in pain in the first 24 hours, however this can take up to 2 weeks to resolve.Title - Discharge Advice Leaflet for Patients Discharged To Treatment Centre
Description - If you have a dressing on your wound(s) please keep this clean, and dry. If you are confident to do so, this can be removed at 10 days, otherwise please contact your local treatment centre for an appointment to remove your dressing at about 10 days. Please see separate leaflet for contact numbers for your local treatment centre.Title - Dizziness and Vestibular rehabilitation
Description - “Dizziness” is a general term to explain the feeling we have when there is something wrong with our sense of balance. Many people who experience dizziness find it difficult to explain exactly how it makes them feel. For example, some people who feel dizzy say they feel light-headed, giddy or off balance.Title - Elbow & Wrist exercises
Description - Elbow Exercises and Wrist ExercisesTitle - Exercises Following Transfemoral (Above Knee) Amputation
Description - This sheet has been designed to help you remember the exercises that you have been taught by your therapist. All of the exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. If you feel any pain, stop and tell your therapist or doctor.Title - Facial exercises
Description - Facial Exercises leafletTitle - Helping your Ankle to Recover After a Fracture
Description - This leaflet gives you advice and exercises to help your ankle recover after your fracture. Now that you have had the cast removed it is very important that you gradually try to use your foot and ankle as normally as possible. At first your ankle will feel stiff and possibly painful. This is because it has been held in one place by the plaster.Title - Instructions for Semont manoeuvre
Description - An assessment has identified that you have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, which is causing your dizziness. This can be treated successfully in several ways, for example the Semont manoeuvre or Epley manoeuvre. Your clinician has advised that the Semont manoeuvre will treat the dizziness you are experiencing. The manoeuvre is for you to complete at home, as directed by your clinician. This will help to reposition the calcium crystals within the semi-circular canals in the ear and will improve your symptoms considerably over the next few days.Title - Looking After Yourself Following Perineal Trauma
Description - Management of symptomsTitle - Metacarpal Fracture(s) Buddy Strapping
Description - This is a follow up leaflet to your recent telephone consultation with the fracture care team explaining the ongoing management of your injury. Your case has been reviewed by an Orthopaedic Consultant (Bone Specialist) and a Physiotherapist.Title - Metacarpal Fracture(s) Buddy Strapping & Futura Splint
Description - This is a follow up leaflet to your recent telephone consultation with the fracture care team explaining the ongoing management of your injury. Your case has been reviewed by an Orthopaedic Consultant (Bone Specialist) and a Physiotherapist.Title - Metacarpal Fracture(s) Futura Splint
Description - If you are worried that you are unable to follow this rehabilitation plan, if after six weeks you are still experiencing significant pain, swelling or having difficulty moving your hand or fingers, if you are experiencing pain or symptoms other than at the site of the original injury or surrounding area, or if you have any questions, then please contact us for advice using the contact details on the back of this booklet.Title - Metatarsal Fracture(s) Partial Weight Bearing
Description - If you are worried that you are unable to follow this rehabilitation plan, are experiencing pain or symptoms other than at the site of the original injury or surrounding area, or have any questions, then please contact us for advice using the contact details on the back of this booklet.Title - Neck and Torso Exercises
Description - Exercises for neck and torso.Title - Peripheral Nerve Injuries
Description - The peripheral nervous system links the signals sent from your brain and spinal cord to your muscles for movement, and skin for sensation (feeling). If there is an injury to any of these nerves in can lead to a loss of movement and/or sensation. The area of loss of sensation or movement depends on which nerve is damaged and where it is damaged.Title - Reablement Team Chair Stretches
Description - This leaflet shows chair stretch exercises.Title - Shoulder exercises
Description - Shoulder exercises Patient information leaflet.Title - Supracondylar Elbow Fracture (Children)
Description - During this healing period, it is important that your child follows the rehabilitation plan on the following page. Following the rehabilitation plan will help to prevent further injury and help to improve your child’s function and use of their arm.Title - Wheelchair Hire
Description - This leaflet lists suppliers for wheelchair hire.
Page last updated on 14th August 2024