Our Wards - Whiston Hospital - Ward 5D - Stroke Rehabilitation
If there is a need to stay in hospital to continue the acute phase and start rehabilitation, patients will transfer to Ward 5D Acute Stroke Unit, which is a 25 bed Acute Stroke, Rehabilitation ward.
5D has 25 in-patient beds and also a specialist gym area for rehabilitation and group therapy. The main aim of ward 5D is to provide specialist rehabilitation for patients with a stroke, this is delivered by our multi-disciplinary team of Doctors, Nurses and therapists along with invaluable support of the National Stroke Association.
On admission to ward 5D patients are allocated a named Nurse who will lead a team of trained and untrained nurses to deliver your nursing care and coordinate your care with the multidisciplinary team throughout your rehabilitation.
- Team
Consultants – Dr F Elnagi and Dr Ganjam
Directorate Manager – Janet Sumner
Assistant Directorate Manager - Martina Liptrot
Matron – Susan Noon
Ward Manager – Joanne Brown
Clinical Lead Physiotherapist - Sarah Cooper
Occupational Therapist Team Lead – Emma Griffiths
Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist - Nicky Smith
Advanced Physiotherapist - Joanna Smyth
Speech and Language Therapy Clinical Lead - Katherine Thorpe
Assistant Discharge Coordinator - Gemma Fagan
- Relevant Leaflets/Documents/Links
Our stroke service is delivered by a team of experts, which we are very proud of. The care we deliver is based on the Royal College of Physicians National Clinical Guidelines for Stroke 2016 (www.strokeaudit.orguk) the NHS 5 year plan 2020 (www.england.nhs.uk) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines 2019 (NICE) www.nice.orguk
There is also a requirement for all stroke units to take part in monitoring the care we deliver and benchmarking ourselves against other stroke units nationally. This is done by providing data to the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) who report performance; you can access our stroke unit performance at www.strokeaudit.orguk and selecting the St Helens & Knowsley Trust site.
Stroke Research
Research is a core function of the NHS. We need research and innovation to improve health and wellbeing now and in the future
The Stroke Unit at St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (STHK) has a strong commitment to supporting research. The aim is to improve future treatment for all stroke patients.
Research is a way of learning new information; it is important in helping us to make better decisions to improve treatments and services...
Clinical trials show whether new treatments are safe, what their side effects are and whether they’re better than what we currently use. By participating in research you may feel as though you are taking a more active role in your healthcare. You will also be helping others, and possibly yourself, by helping to identify more effective treatments.
To find out more about research and whether any studies may be right for you please speak to your Consultant or Nurse, alternatively the team may contact you and offer you the choice to participate in a research trial if appropriate. You do have the right to decline, and this will not affect the care that you receive.
- Visiting
To access visiting times for wards across our hospitals, please click here for more information.
Please note, visiting can be restricted or suspended with immediate effect if there are any safety concerns due to a spread of infection on our wards or in our communities.
To confirm that the ward you are planning to visit is currently open, please call our main number tel: 0151 426 1600
- Location and contact details
Location and Contact details
The stroke unit is located on the 5th floor on the main Whiston Hospital site.
To contact 5D
Reception – 0151 430 1708 (manned am only)
Nurse Base - 0151 430 1240