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Our Wards - Whiston Hospital - Ward 5C – Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU)


Ward 5C is a 32 bed ward and is located on the 5th floor on the main Whiston Hospital site.

One half of the ward, 16 beds is a called the Hyper-acute Stroke Unit (HASU) this is where patients are cared for in the first 72 hours following a stroke. This half of the ward has a higher ratio of Nursing and Medical staff to ensure closer observation and monitoring of patients in their acute phase following a stroke.

The other half of the ward, the remaining 16 beds is called the HASU Step Down; this area has two functions.

  1. This is where patients who have had a stroke and who are now in a stable condition are moved to. Patients will continue to receive ongoing medical and nursing care along with assessment and treatments from other members of the multi-disciplinary team.
  2. Patients over the age of 65 who have not had a stroke and may also be admitted to the step down unit with a medical problem.

Our Consultant, Junior Doctor, Nursing and Therapy teams are all experts in caring for patients who have either had a stroke or are admitted to the ward with a medical condition.

5C stroke unit is the regional Hyper-acute Stroke unit (HASU) this means that it receives patients who are suspected of having a stroke from the Knowsley, St Helens, Halton and Warrington catchment area.

On arrival into hospital, specialists from the Stroke team will assess your condition.  Urgent tests will be done to help diagnose and manage your condition. 

As part of your assessment you may be linked via ‘telemedicine’ video link to the Stroke Consultant.  The Consultant will make a decision regarding your treatment.

The Doctor and Stroke Specialist Nurse looking after you will tell you what type of Stroke you have had.  They will arrange the correct treatment and direct admission to the Stroke Unit.  On the Stroke Unit, you will be cared for by a multi-disciplinary team of health professionals who specialise in stroke.

Following your admission to the Hyper Acute Stroke Unit, you will be seen by the Stroke Consultant and any important tests will be done.  Your observations will be recorded and you will be monitored very closely.


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