Our Wards - Whiston Hospital - Ward 2D - Respiratory and General Medicine
Ward 2D is a Respiratory and General Medicine ward based on the 2nd Floor, Purple Zone, at Whiston Hospital.
- Contact Details
Ward Manager Julie Durgan 0151 430 1891
Ward Matron Mike Babbs 0151 478 7716
Ward Sister Amy Quinn
Charge Nurse Faith Folorunsho
Charge Nurse James Londesborough
- Visiting
To access visiting times for wards across our hospitals, please click here for more information.
Please note, visiting can be restricted or suspended with immediate effect if there are any safety concerns due to a spread of infection on our wards or in our communities.
To confirm that the ward you are planning to visit is currently open, please call our main number tel: 0151 426 1600
- Personal Belongings
We advise patients not to bring valuables/excessive into hospital.
Please provide nightwear and toiletries and suitable footwear.
Each bed space has a small locker for securing personal belongings.
- Meals and Drinks
Hot drinks are supplied during the day mid-morning, lunchtime and evening.
Meal times are as follows:
Breakfast – 8am
Lunch – 12pm
Evening Meal – 5pm
- Special Diets
Information relating to dietary requirements.
If you require a special diet or therapeutic diet, the ward staff will liaise with our hospital dietician and speech language therapist to meet patient’s needs. The ward has a mealtime coordinator who will work with the catering team to ensure patients are identified that require support and assistance.
- Discharge from the Ward
Medications: If you require medications (TTO) to take home with you, these will be given to you by the ward staff before you leave. It can take a few hours for the Hospital Pharmacy to prepare your medications.. Patients may be transferred to the discharge lounge whilst waiting for their medication and transport.
Outpatient appointments: You will be told if an appointment has already been made for you or whether it will follow on in the post.
Transport: Please try to arrange your own transport home from the Hospital. Hospital transport is only available for patients who cannot as a result of their clinical condition use other forms of transport.
- Additional Information
Please be aware that our phone lines are not manned by clerical staff 24 hours a day and ward staff must prioritise patient care first and foremost, please be patient if trying to get through to the ward phone lines, staff will always aim to answer calls in a timely manner.
If you wish to speak with the Consultant, Ward Manager, Matron, please speak to the nurse in charge
- Suggestions, comments or complaints
We aim to make your stay with us as pleasant and comfortable as possible, and strive to provide the highest quality of care. If you or your family have any suggestions or comments, please discuss them with the ward manager or nurse in charge, or you can discuss them (or any complaints) with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service.