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Our Wards - Whiston Hospital - Ward 1B and 1C - Acute Medical Unit (AMU)


The Acute Medical Unit (AMU) comprises of a 52-bed area with stabilization and monitoring cubicles. There is a dedicated Assessment Area for GP referrals with triage and reception area including consultation rooms for clinical assessments and ward reviews.

The unit houses an embedded Same Day Emergency Care area within the AMU running a process ambulatory care. 8 beds are equipped to provide Enhanced Care on 1C (Level 1 care) on the unit with enhanced monitoring and staffing.

Contact Details

Ward 1B telephone: 0151 430 1752

Ward 1C telephone:  0151 430 1638

Matron - Ste Riley

Ward Manager 1B - Carly Atkinson

Ward Manager 1C - Sarah Grundy

The Acute Medical Unit comprises of wards 1C and 1B including GP Assessment Unit (GPAU) and is located on First floor – Yellow zone in the hospital


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