Our Wards - Whiston Hospital - Ward 3B Trauma and Orthopaedics
Ward 3B is a designated Trauma and Orthopaedics ward. It is located on the third floor in the green zone.
- Contact Details
Ward Manager
Caroline Roberts
Lyndsay Hamlet - Tel 0151 290 4106
Ward Sisters
Sarah Fearns - Tel 0151 430 1709
Nicola Urmston
Jessica Donald
Georgina Gaulton
Trauma Co-Ordinator
Paula Brown - Tel 0151 290 4067
Daniella Beaumont
Tracey Kelly
Anne-Marie Stanley - Tel 07789 843230
Discharge co-ordinator
Mandy Evans - Tel 0151 290 4402
- Visiting
To access visiting times for wards across our hospitals, please click here for more information. Visiting is strictly 2 visitors per patient. Vistitors are reminded not to sit on patient beds. Toilet facilities for visitors are not available on the ward but are located on floor 1 and 5 for visitors use.
Please note, visiting can be restricted or suspended with immediate effect if there are any safety concerns due to a spread of infection on our wards or in our communities.
To confirm that the ward you are planning to visit is currently open, please call our main number tel: 0151 426 1600
- Personal Belongings
Patients are advised to bring suitable day clothes and night wear. Sensible shoes or slippers are preferable. Flowers are not permitted on the ward.
It is not advised to bring jewellery and valuables into hospital if not required. Please be aware patients are responsible for their own valuables and belongings.
- Meals and Drinks
The ward operates protected meal times in which patients are able to take their meals without unnecessary interruptions. Protected meal times are between 08:00- 09:00, 12:00-13:00 and 17:00-18:00. Hot drinks are provided by the catering team at mealtimes as well as mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
- Special Diets
Please inform the ward staff if you require any special dietary needs or requirements. If you are on a special diet or therapeutic diet, the ward staff will contact our hospital dietician to arrange this for you. The dietician will also be available Monday-Friday to provide specialist information regarding your diet.
- Discharge from the Ward
To ensure a smooth discharge in a timely manner, where appropriate, patients will be transferred to the discharge lounge on the day of discharge to wait for medications and transport home.
Medications: Please be aware when organising transport home that it can take the hospital pharmacy several hours to prepare your take home medication. Your medication will be checked and explained to you prior to discharge.
Outpatient appointments: You will be informed on discharge if you require an out-patient appointment. Out-patient appointments will be sent to your home address via the postal service. If you are concerned about an upcoming appointment please contact appointments or contact the ward for advice.
Woundcare: Patients discharged with surgical wound be referred to community nursing services including district nurse and treatment rooms as appropriate on discharge. Some patient may attend outpatient appointment for woundcare as appropriate. This will be explained to your prior to discharge.
Transport: Please try to arrange your own transport home from the Hospital. Hospital transport is only available for patients who cannot as a result of their clinical condition use other forms of transport
- Suggestions, comments or complaints
We aim to make your stay with us as pleasant and comfortable as possible, and strive to provide the highest quality of care. If you or your family have any suggestions or comments, please discuss them with the ward manager or nurse in charge, or you can discuss them (or any complaints) with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service.
Alternatively, please fill our comments and suggestions form available in our wards or download here and hand it to any staff member.