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Our Wards - Whiston Hospital - Ward 4D - Mersey Regional Burn Centre


The Mersey Regional Burn Centre is located at Whiston Hospital on Ward 4D, floor 4 orange zone.

The Centre is the regional burn centre for all adult burn injuries covering Merseyside, parts of Cheshire, North Wales and the Isle of Man. It serves a total of over 6.5 million people. The service is housed within the Mersey Regional Burns and Plastic Surgery Directorate, with its inpatient facility being on Ward 4D at Whiston Hospital, one of the largest centres in the UK. 

The Centre has 4 High Dependency Units, 4 cubicles and a 4 bedded bay. The Burns Assessment Unit and Burn Dressing Clinic are also housed within 4D. The centre's reputation continues to grow, and research and development are moving ahead exponentially.

The Mersey Burns Smartphone App was the first MHRA approved medical APP in the UK, and is rapidly spreading as the standard tool for the calculation of fluid resuscitation for burns patients (


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