Our Wards - Whiston Hospital - Ward 4D - Mersey Regional Burn Centre
The Mersey Regional Burn Centre is located at Whiston Hospital on Ward 4D, floor 4 orange zone.
The Centre is the regional burn centre for all adult burn injuries covering Merseyside, parts of Cheshire, North Wales and the Isle of Man. It serves a total of over 6.5 million people. The service is housed within the Mersey Regional Burns and Plastic Surgery Directorate, with its inpatient facility being on Ward 4D at Whiston Hospital, one of the largest centres in the UK.
The Centre has 4 High Dependency Units, 4 cubicles and a 4 bedded bay. The Burns Assessment Unit and Burn Dressing Clinic are also housed within 4D. The centre's reputation continues to grow, and research and development are moving ahead exponentially.
The Mersey Burns Smartphone App was the first MHRA approved medical APP in the UK, and is rapidly spreading as the standard tool for the calculation of fluid resuscitation for burns patients (merseyburns.com).
- Contact Details
Ward 4D contact numbers:
0151 430 1540 / 0151 430 2349 / 0151 478 7595
- Visiting
To access visiting times for wards across our hospitals, please click here for more information.
Please note, visiting can be restricted or suspended with immediate effect if there are any safety concerns due to a spread of infection on our wards or in our communities.
To confirm that the ward you are planning to visit is currently open, please call our main number tel: 0151 426 1600
- Personal Belongings
When you are admitted you will have a bedside locker to store your belongings. Please only bring what is essential as the lockers are only small.
On the ward we can provide you with towels & pyjamas if required.
- Meals and Drinks
The catering staff will provide hot drinks at mealtimes (07:30, 12:00 and 17:00) as well as mid-morning, mid-afternoon and pre bed. You will be given a menu to choose your meals from.
Special Diets
If you have any special dietary requirements please let the ward and catering staff know so they can offer you suitable meals. A referral to a dietician can be made if required.
- Discharge from the Ward
If you require medications to take home with you, these will be given to you by the ward staff before you leave. Please don't leave without them. It can take a few hours for the Hospital Pharmacy to prepare your medications, so bear this in mind when you arrange a time to leave.
Outpatient appointments
Burn Clinic is held on Ward 4D Monday – Friday 08:00 – 12:30. This is for patients who have been discharged from the Burn Unit and need to have their burns reviewed to ensure they are healing well. At this clinic you will be seen by a burns nurse and also a physiotherapist / occupational therapist if required. If there are any concerns a Dr can also be contacted.
We also have a Burn Assessment Unit Monday – Friday 13:00 -16:00. This is for local A&E’s, Walk in centres and GP surgeries that can refer patients for a burn review. To arrange this contact the ward and speak to the nurse in charge.
Please try to arrange your own transport home from the Hospital. Hospital transport is only available for patients who cannot as a result of their clinical condition use other forms of transport.
- Suggestions, comments or complaints
We aim to make your stay with us as pleasant and comfortable as possible, and strive to provide the highest quality of care. If you or your family have any suggestions or comments, please discuss them with the ward manager or nurse in charge, or you can discuss them (or any complaints) with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service.
Alternatively, please fill our comments and suggestions form available in our wards or download here and hand it to any staff member.