Our Wards - St Helens Hospital - Seddon Suite
Seddon Suite is a 20 bedded Trauma Rehabilitation Unit, part of the Cheshire and Merseyside Rehabilitation Network, specialising in meeting the needs of patients following traumatic injury requiring complex specialised treatment from a multi-disciplinary team. Seddon Suite is an inpatient ward and is based at St Helens Hospital in Elyn Lodge.
- Contact Details
Deborah Kennedy- Ward Manager - 01744 646 128
- Visiting
To access visiting times for wards across our hospitals, please click here for more information.
Please note, visiting can be restricted or suspended with immediate effect if there are any safety concerns due to a spread of infection on our wards or in our communities.
To confirm that the ward you are planning to visit is currently open, please call our main number tel: 0151 426 1600
- Personal Belongings
Patients are informed on admission that staff can accept no responsibility for personal property, they are advised to leave valuables at home, patients are advised to only have essential items on the unit.
Currently due to no visiting, patient’s relatives/ friends are able to drop off items at the door which will be collected by a member of staff and in return any items that are to go home, i.e. laundry, will be collected by a member of staff and given to the visitor. The unit has an intercom to facilitate this activity
- Meals and Drinks
The ward assistant will provide hot drinks at mealtimes (07.30, 12.00 and 17.00) as well as mid-morning, mid-afternoon and pre bed.
Selected snacks are available from the ward at all times. The catering assistant will also provide the patient with a menu that they can order breakfast, lunch and supper from.
- Special Diets
The ward has its own dietician who is based on the unit. The Dietician will assess all patients on admission and provide support as needed, nursing staff will also assist and are also able to support
- Discharge from the Ward
Medications: Patients will be given a supply of medication to take home with them, as well as a copy of their prescription, medication will be dispensed in a form that is suitable for them i.e. liquids, tablets, blister pack etc
Outpatient appointments: If a follow up appointment is required this will be sent to the patient in the post, most appointments are after 3 months post discharge , but can vary, pre COVID the appointments are based on the unit, however the letter that is sent will detail the venue
Transport: If necessary, transport will be provided for the patient, this will be discussed with the patient nearer the time of discharge
- Suggestions, comments or complaints
We aim to make your stay with us as pleasant and comfortable as possible and strive to provide the highest quality of care. If you or your family have any suggestions or comments, please discuss them with the ward manager or nurse in charge, or you can discuss them (or any complaints) with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service.