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Our Services A - Z - Falls Team

About the service

3 leaves which are used to denote the falls team

The Hospital Falls Team provide guidance, support and education to Trust staff, patients and their families/carers regarding the reduction of hospital-related falls across all hospital sites.

The team perform a variety of functions to ensure Trust policy is being embedded in to daily practice in relation to Falls Prevention, multi factorial risk assessment and individualised patient care planning for at risk in-patients. These functions include:

  • Assessment of in-patients referred by the wards to the team for falls advice bespoke to the individual’s specific risk factors.
  • Monitoring of falls care documentation completion to ensure the quality is maintained at a high standard.
  • Specialist advice provision and signposting for all staff at the Trust and external partners/agencies.
  • Involvement in investigations into hospital-related incidents, ensuring shared learning and robust action planning.


Page last updated on 03rd February 2025

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