Our Services A - Z - Safeguarding - Adults and Children
About the service
"Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility”
No single professional can have a full picture of a child’s or adult’s needs and circumstances and if children, families and the unborn child are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concern’s, sharing information, and taking prompt action.
The Trust has an Executive Lead for Safeguarding who is the Director of Nursing and Midwifery, an Assistant Director of Nursing and a dedicated team of nurses and practitioners who provide advice and expertise around safeguarding practice, in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018, the Care Act 2014 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
The Safeguarding Team have specific job descriptions and protected time to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children, safeguarding adults, mental capacity, deprivation of liberty safeguards and reasonable adjustments for those with a learning disability or autism spectrum disorder.
The Trust has a full suite of policies in relation to safeguarding and reports activity and performance quarterly to the Integrated Care Board for monitoring purposes. Training is provided to all staff. The Trust has a robust recruitment policy in keeping with best safeguarding practice.
The Trust is fully committed to working in partnership with the Local Safeguarding Boards and also engages in sub groups to support the Boards’ work. There is significant partnership work undertaken with external agencies.
What is Transitional Safeguarding and why does it matter?
This short animation sets out what Transitional Safeguarding is and why it matters. It is intended to be highly accessible, rather than a resource for those who already understand Transitional Safeguarding in more detail.
Please follow this link to view the animation.
- Contacting Us - Adults
Adults Contact - 0151 430 1332
- Anne Monteith - Assistant Director Nursing Safeguarding
- Gemma Kehoe - Named Nurse Safeguarding Adults
- Diane Gould - Safeguarding Adults Specialist Nurse
- Denice Creswell - Safeguarding Adults Specialist Nurse
- Gemma Gould - Safeguarding Adults / Mental Capacity Specialist Nurse
- Vincent Bleakley - Mental Capacity Act Specialist Practitioner
- Claire Dickson - Safeguarding Adults Specialist Nurse
- Kenny Jones - Learning Disability Specialist Nurse
- Jessica Fairhurst - Learning Disability Specialist Nurse
Email addresses - learningdisabilityautismteam@sthk.nhs.uk, sthk.safeguardingadults@sthk.nhs.uk
- Contacting Us - Children
Children Contact - 0151 290 4159
- Anne Monteith – Assistant Director Nursing Safeguarding
- Lisa Forshaw - Named Nurse Safeguarding Children
- Charlotte Atherton - Safeguarding Children Nurse
- Anna McIntosh - Safeguarding Children Nurse
- Allison Wright - Named Midwife Safeguarding Children
- Lisa Bull - Named Midwife Safeguarding Children
- Nicky McIntyre - Paediatric Liaison Manager
- Claire Rankin – Paediatric Liaison Nurse
- Carol Rees - Paediatric Liaison Nurse
- Dr Maysara Aziz - Named Doctor Safeguarding Children
E mail address - safeguardingoperationalteam@sthk.nhs.uk
Page last updated on 13th August 2024