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Our Consultants - Dr. Prakash Narayanan

Consultant Physician with an interest in Endocrinology and Diabetes


Diabetes Centre, St Helens Hospital and Ward 3C, Whiston Hospital

Specialty Areas:

Diabetes and Endocrinology, General Internal Medicine and Acute Medicine

Contact Details:

Via Medical Secretary: Thea McCarten

Clinical Access Times:

Contact via secretary


Dr Narayanan specialises in diabetes and endocrinology as well as general internal medicine and is based on ward 3C (Whiston Hospital) and the diabetes centre (St Helens Hospital). Having qualified in India, he undertook his specialty training in the Mersey region and took up his consultant role at STHK in 2016. He also has a keen interest in academic research and was awarded a PhD from The University of Manchester in 2013 for studying the associations of Insulin-like Growth Factors in diabetes. He is the Specialty Research Lead for Endocrinology and Metabolism in the North West Coast NIHR region.


MBBS, PhD, FRCP (London), FHEA,

CCT(UK) in Diabetes, Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine

Professional Membership:

GMC, RCP (London), BAPIO

Membership of Learned Societies:

Diabetes UK, Society for Endocrinology

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